A lil Slice of Heaven
It has been awhile. Sorry bout that... there is just so much really important stuff to do all day every day. The blog is pretty low down on the totem pole. Since the last post here is some stuff that we've been working on:
- Big barn remodel is complete, and it's sweet.
- Cows are on the pasture rotation, and looking good.
- Garden is in and growing like crazy.
- Major fence building project will be done by the end of this week.
- Hay fields are ready to be cut, just waiting for Mr. Sun to come and stay awhile...(y'know... make hay while the sun shines...)
- Captain (our puppy) is about 50 lbs now, and he's a pretty smart little chap.
- Baby calves are still coming, hope to be done by the end of the month.
- Re-seeding with some new luscious grass mixes is underway.
- The battle with the chicken-thieving raccoons is still on.
- A bald Eagle killed our last duck, right in front of everyone!
- We are installing a walk-in freezer on the farm.
- We are working on some alternative fuel solutions for our diesel rigs, and making some serious headway...
- We have two new bulls. They are South Devons, and look really promising. Their names are Floyd and Pretty Boy. (My dad named them.)
I will get some pics up when I get a chance.