Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...

What does a farmer do to occupy the time? Have you ever wondered what really happens, and how things come to be? Well, now is your chance to tune in and find out because the Chronicles of Sweetwater Farm have officially begun. We aim to post once a day and share what we are up to. So without further ado...

Today, we cleared out some of the debris that came down almost two years ago in the landslide. You can read about that here... Seattle Times, we made the front page! I am pretty sure that it will take us at least five more years to get fully caught up from all of the damage. We have come a long way, but there is a lot more left to do.

In a nut shell, today we sorted through a big pile of trees, rocks and dirt and carried the sticks, stumps, and logs away to be burned. We also moved some fence so that the calves can take shelter under the cedar trees in the pics. A cedar tree is even better than a barn, because it does a really good job of keeping the cattle dry, and also gets lots of sunlight, and the sun keeps parasites from building up like they do in a barn. Bet you didn't know that. Nothing too exciting really. But it takes time and energy.

